All of these words
made up by 'lil ole me therefore I can safely say none will appear in any dictionary.
However, that doesn't mean they shouldn't
be inscribed in every woodworker's lexicon or print them out and use
the pages to line your bird cage or wrap fish in them. Your
Snarflickle (snar-flic-kle) – The
look on your face while using your
thumb and middle finger to flick a
bug off your tablesaw.
Boardinanny (bord-n-anny) – Any
person who treats a piece of wood
like it's their newborn grandchild.
Tocutzapeal (to-cuts-appeal) – When
the decision to buy a piece of rough
lumber comes down to the act of
taking your knife and first slicing
a hunk off the face then another one
off the edge so you can “see the
Glusmossis (glu-smo-sis) – The
ability of glue to appear in places
where it was never used.
(sup-a-stain-e-ous-explo-shun) – The
crescendo of expletives the
neighbors hear right after you apply
the stain and discover glusmossis
has occurred.
Vagapartzabond (vag-a-parts-a-bond)
– A crucial part of a project that
suddenly grew legs and disappeared
over the horizon.
Vigilantatroupe (vig-il-ant-a-troop)
– The posse of friends or family
members you rounded up to go walking
around your shop to look for the
part that went on a vagapartzabond.
(slop-n-wipe-a-while) – The interval
between opening the can of stain and
when you start applying it on the
piece because removing the
tight-fitting lid caused a goodly
amount to spew all over your
Guestaspecalation (gues-ta-spec-a-lay-shun)
– The euphoric moment when you
correctly added two improper
fractions but don't have the
slightest clue how you did it.
(up-c-oops-c-doe-sis) – The effect
of reading an upside-down measuring
tape and you transpose the numbers,
i.e., 58 instead of 85 but don't
discover it until after the cut was
Increduignomoron (in-cred-u-igno-moron)
– The impossibility for you to
believe you were so stupid to pull
an upsioopssidosis.
Spendeewhee (spen-di-wee) – When
you walk into a Tool ‘n Drool and
instantly get caught up in the
moment; the mortgage payment, the
kid needs shoes, the car's out of
gas, it's all a distant memory as
you spend it all.
Strangamoshun (strang-a-motion) –
The movement your wife makes after
discovering you committed a
spendeewhee. She sneaks in from
behind, one hand pinches off your
nose while the other clamps heavily
over your mouth. She now has command
authority – she knows you only have
so much time and you can't speak but
you can hear.
Blozaholout (blows-a-hole-out) –
The effect of a strangamoshun,
usually through the ears, in the
vain attempt to breathe you try to
create new holes from which to draw
in air.
Bouncaflortorium (bounce-a-flor-tor-ium)
– The area surrounding your
workbench where precious chisels,
hand planes and layout tools hit the
(ouch-a-mi-fee-tango) – The foot
dance you do to protect your feet
when something sharp is knocked from
the workbench onto the bouncaflortorium.
Caffespilaree (caf-y-spil-a-ree) –
The effect that begins with you
knocking over your coffee cup then
while you frantically try to catch
it to keep it from going everywhere
you knock everything else from the
workbench onto the bouncaflortorium.
Goofaridicidisplay (goof-a-ri-dici-dis-play)
– The din of the caffespilaree has
subsided but a new one begins as you
storm around the shop ranting and
raving like a lunatic.
Beltzastandofh (belt-za-stan-dofh)
– Where your belt sander eats a
brand new belt and you're too scared
to put another one on for fear it'll
happen again.
Fasinrsticupti (fas-in-er-stic-up-ti)
– A screw or nail protruding from
whatever you're belt sanding that
was responsible for causing the
Sandaspinofh (san-da-spin-ofh) – The
effect when you set down a random
orbital sander before the pad has
stopped spinning. This forces the
handle to whip viciously around,
dragging the cord with it in a wide
spiral, which results in a grand
caffespilaree and culminates into
such a goofaridicidisplay that your
wife is forced to record it into the
annals of your family history.
Nailaccropolis (nail-a-crop-o-lis) –
The pinnacle of awareness you reach
when you realize the brand new blade
on your table saw has just hit a
Toolimagiwannabe (tool-imag-i-wan-na-be)
– Your mindset after purchasing a
really cheap tool. You pretend it
will perform like a good one.
Smokeastormium (smoke-a-storm-e-um)
- The exact moment after purchasing
a Toolimagiwannabe - usually a
smokeastormium involves a smoking
motor, but parts could fly off or a
faulty switch...the list is endless.
Flingatoolahoo (fling-a-tool-a-hoo)
- The act where your
toolimagiwannabe turned into a
smokeastormium. In a fit of rage you
grasp it tightly, spin around your
shop floor like a madman and let it
fly to parts unknown. Unfortunately
it hits something good, which causes
that to break.
(soup-a-nah-le-gee-a-tron) - Someone
who can recite thousands of
woodworking acronyms but can't
figure how an inside caliper works.
Partzalookout (parts-a-look-out) – A
job title. You acquire the title the
instant you begin roaming around the
shop looking for the thing that flew
out of your hands while using a
bench grinder. It can usually be
found in the adjoining county.
Gastroinstainseupsis (gas-tro-n-stain-c-up-sis)
– A sick feeling you get after
realizing there isn’t enough of the
stain you custom mixed and you don't
have the slightest recollection what
amounts were used.
Sparkindipity (spark-n-dip-e-t) -
The dance performed when a power
tool is plugged in and you see a
Genuflectadustuation (gen-u-flect-a-dust-u-a-shun)
- The act of groveling in front of
your tablesaw to scoop sawdust from
under it.
Shopasafari (shop-a-sa-fari) – What
you are doing whenever you walk
slowly around your shop looking for
something. It is recommended to
pack a lunch before going on a
(ex-tend-a-cord-a-thon) – An epic
that begins with something your wife
wants you to repair outside on the
lawn. You pack your lunch then
embark on a shopasafari to find an
extension cord long enough to reach
the item. You have long since
consumed the lunch and just before
starvation sets in you find a cord
that looks like a troop of Boy
Scouts dropped by and tied into
exotic knots. By the time you get
it half-way unraveled the item to be
repaired has rotted away and your
wife died of old age. So, with
nothing more to keep you there, you
knock the pigeons off your shoulders
and take the cord back into the
Sweepapathology (sweep-a-path-ol-ogy)
- An in-depth and on-going study on
why woodworkers would rather just
sweep a path through their shop than
clean it properly. It is reported a
vast majority of them are still on a
Ignorearamous (ig-nore-a-ray-mous) –
What you become when your wife asks
you to build her a shelf and instead
you go to the shop and make
whirly-gigs. Being an ignorearamous
often brings on a strangamoshun.
Grandesawopolis (grawn-day-saw-op-o-lis)
((multi-level)) – Whenever you move
up to a better saw. You throw out
your Craftsman tablesaw because it
suffered a smokeastormium and
replaced it with a DeWalt
contractors type (level 1
Grandesawopolis achieved). You
replace the DeWalt with a Delta
cabinet tablesaw (level 2
Grandesawopolis achieved) and so on
until you either win the game or
your wife shoots you and they find
your lifeless body lying in the path
you previously swept through your
Whispaorder (whisp-a-order) – Where
you balance or stand something on
its edge then suddenly realize the
next tool you need was left no where
near your workbench. Rather than
lay it back down, you point a finger
at it and whisper, “Stay!” then you
perform a quick foot shuffle to go
fetch the tool.
Reversishurview (re-ver-si-shur-view)
– What you do after issuing a
whispaorder. You are now six feet
away and you turn around to make
sure the thing you whispaordered is
still there and you extend your arm
with your palm out in the belief you
have transcendental powers to make
it stay.
Omigawdanoise (o-mi-gawd-a-noise) –
You are just about to lay your hands
on a tool and behind you is a
noise sounding like several things
have fallen. You turn and
the thing you reversishurviewed
didn’t listen to your whispaorder.
It fell down and in so doing it knocked a can of
stain across your workbench,
spraying it everywhere. You enter
into an enormous goofaridicidisplay,
perform a flingatoolahoo or two and
suddenly you realize you’re now
suffering with gastroinstainseupsis.
(pan-de-bench-o-me-um) - A description of your workbench.
The clutter on it is layers deep; in fact, there are things
down there you haven't seen in years. There are many
documented cases where a pandebenchomium has collimated into
a shopasafari.
Armdozazone (arm-doze-a-zone) – An area on your workbench
you instantly defined as being expendable; usually a corner.
You have a small project and your workbench is suffering
with an epic pandebenchomium. Rather than taking the time to
clean it off and putting everything away, you use the entire
length of your arm to plow stuff out of the way. A
fair amount ends up on the bouncaflortorium.
That's it for now, I'll add
to the list when I thunk s'more of 'em up. |